Termini and conditions

The diamo welcomes its ita-sport!

I terminate the conditions following regulatory and normative regulations for the user of the Ita-sport site, all of which is

Access this site, I accept and end the following conditions. The device does not continue to be used in this sport in this case without the accordion pit with all the conditions in this page.


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A cookie is a test file that is placed on the hard disk of a web server. I cookie cannot be used to program or transmit viruses to the computer. I cookie is only assigned to Lei and possono essere letti solo dal server web nel dominio che ha emisso il cookie.

You can use cookies to store, archive and track information for statistical and marketing purposes to manage our website. The consent to accept or modify the optional cookie. This cookie present is essential for the operation of the site. This cookie does not provide consent for its origin in any case. Please note that the cookie you receive is rich in cookies and third party cookies are accepted, so you can get your third party service when you decide to use your service at our location. For example, a video diagram for three and one parts is integrated into our site.


Please note that Ita-sport and/or its affiliated license has intellectual property rights for all of the material on Ita-sport. Everything you need to know about your intellectual property is correct. You can access the Ita-Sport route for personal use with restrictions indicating the final conditions and the following conditions.

No consent:

  • Copy or republish the ita-sport material
  • Vendere, noleggiare o sublicenza il materiale di ita-sport
  • Rip, duplicate or copy the ita-sport material
  • Distribution of ita-sport content

It presents accordo ha inizio dalla data qui indicata.

Part of this site offers all the possibility of advertising and scamming opinions and information in certain areas of the site. It is unfiltered, modified, published and revised and commented primarily on the site. I do not comment on the point of view and the opinion of Ita-sport, of my agents and/or of my affiliates. I commenti riflettono point di vista e opinione di colui che pubblica tale point di vista o opinione. However, I do not consent to this, but it is not necessary to be responsible for the comments and cannot be allowed to make any comments or are responsible for the use, publicity and/or presence of the comments on the site.

Ita-sport if you monitor the monitor you will comment on and do not consider it inappropriate, offensive or in violation of the present term and conditions.

This guarantees:

  • È authorizes a public comment on its location and has all the license and permits it to be published;
  • I comment not in violation of intellectual property rights, including its copyright, patent or commercial market limits of 3 parties;
  • I comment does not contain any material defamatory, slanderous, offensive, indecent or illegal altriment, provocative of a violation of privacy;
  • I do not intend to use it to solicit or promote business, commercial or illegal activity.

It grants Ita-sport a non-exclusive license to use, modify, modify and authorize other users, reproduce and modify qualsiasi Suo commento in ogni forma, format o media.

Collection Ipertestuali have our content:

The organization follows the following instructions:

  • Governing Agency;
  • Motori di ricerca;
  • giornalistich testate;
  • Distributori de di directory online potrebbero aggiungere un collegamento ipertestuale al nostro sito nello stesso modo fatto per altri siti web indicati;
  • Attività accreditate di sistema eccetto organizzazioni non-profit, società di beneficenza et gruppi di raccolta founded per attività di carità che non possono aggiungere un collegamento ipertestuale al nostro sito.

This organization may add a permanent collection to our homepage, publicity and other information if it does not include the collection: (a) it is not included in any manner; (b) non-false sponsorship, advertising or approval of the third party that involves the association and its products and/or services; (c) if it matches the location of the third party it has to be joined together.

Please consider and approve of the richness of the collection of the following types of organization:

  • fonti di informazioni commerciali e/o per consumatori conosciute;
  • community site;
  • associations of other groups that represent charitable activities;
  • distributori di directory online;
  • internet portals;
  • agenzie di consulenza, legali e di revisione contabile;
  • istituti di struzione e associazioni professionali.

Approve the content of this organization's membership: (a) the membership is not in a position favored by us or by our registered business; (b) the organization has no negative precedent with us; (c) the visibility of the team's performance compensates the membership of Ita-sport; (d) the link is in a dispute with general information.

This organization may add a collection to our homepage and this does not apply to the collection: (a) it is not included in any mode; (b) non-false sponsorship, advertising or approval of the third party that involves the collection of its products and/or services; (c) if it matches the location of the third party it has to be joined together.

In this case, we present one of the organizations indicated in paragraph 2 if we are interested in aggiungere un collegamento al nostro sito, deve informarci by sending an email to Ita-sport. The list includes the name, name of the organization, contact information and URL of the site, a list of URLs on which you have a collection of our site and a list of URLs on your site for your colleague. Let it wait 2-3 times for a risposta.

The approved organization may provide an appropriate collection for our customers as follows:

  • Usando il nostro nome societario;
  • Use the uniform resource locator collegato;
  • Use the following description of our current location to contest and format the content on the third site.

No, you do not consent to use the logo or immagini of Ita-sport to collect it in the event of a commercial license agreement.

Responsibility for content:

You cannot be held responsible for the content presented on your site. Protected and protected by legal claims originating from this location. It is not necessary to act together on any site that may be interpreted as calunniosi, osceni, criminali or infrangono, violano or suggests the violation of other words.

Diritti riservati:

Here you will find the richness of the rim of all of my collections or of a specific collection of our site. You must immediately approve the richness of the composition of the collection. This is the end of the modification and conditions, other than the policy of the agreement at the moment. Continuing to use our location, accept the wine at the end of the present and conditions.

Information about the collection of our site:

In the event that a connection is made on our site if it is offensive for some reason, it may be contacted and informed at the same time. Consider the richness of the message of the group, you do not have to complete the message or respond directly.

Accuracy of information presented at this location is not guaranteed. The information is not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, but it is not guaranteed that it remains available or that the material on site is subject to damage.

Exclusion of liability:

None of this is due to consent on the leg, exclusive of the present, guaranteed and the conditions correspond to our location and all uses of the item. Nothing in question excludes liability:

  • limit or exclude our rights or liability for death or personal injury;
  • limits or excludes our rights or liability for fraud or fraudulent errata;
  • limit our rights or our liability in a non-consented manner;
  • esclude la nostra ou la sua responsabilità in modo non escludibile dalla legge.

The limitation and division of liability indicated in this section and in other parts of this exclusion of liability is: (a) it is stated in the preceding paragraph; (b) govern any responsibility that correlates with what is excluded from liability, including what correlates with a contract, tort or violation of obligatory norms.

If there is any information or service provided free of charge, you may not be liable for loss or damage to natural conditions.