Politica on the riservatezza

This site is and is the property of Ita-sport, the owner of its personal business.

We have adopted this privacy policy, which determines the processing of the information collected from, but which is also the reason for collecting certain personal data from the Correspondent. However, this policy should be left to your attention when you first use it on

Please note that your personal details are guaranteed and you will be assured that they will be safe and secure.

Personal information collected:

When you visit, certain information will be automatically retrieved from your device, including information from your web browser, IP address, browser type and cookie installation on your device. Please navigate to the site, provide information on the web page and display products, web site or endpoint of the content on the back of the site and how it interacts with the site. Indicates your information is collected automatically as “information on device”. Please note that you can update your personal data (including the limits of your name, knowledge, information, payment information, etc.) during registration to support the accordion.

Perché trattiamo i dati?

The security of the customer's data is our priority, but it must be handled only by the user's data and is strictly necessary to manage the site. The information collected automatically is only used to identify it if it is potentially abused and stabilizes statistics when used on the site. This statistical information is not aggregated in the way it identifies a specific user of the system.

You consent to visit the site with relevant information, so you can identify it personally. If you wish, you may wish to use any of the functions on the site, or wish to receive a newsletter or provide other details compiled by a module, you may wish to provide personal data such as email, name, name, city of residence, organization and telephone number. If you do not provide personal data, you may not be able to use any functions on the site. For example, you cannot receive our newsletter or contact it directly from the site. If you do not have any mandatory information, please contact

I follow the instructions:

If you are a resident of the European Union, you have the following instructions for your personal information:

  • It says it's information.
  • It says all accesso.
  • It says the modification.
  • This is the elimination procedure.
  • This indicates the limitation of the processing.
  • It says portability of data.
  • It says what you hear.
  • It directs you to an automated decision and profile.

Please note that this should be the case if you do not receive any contact information immediately.

However, if you are a resident of the European Union, you will be informed of the fine of the contract with the Lei (for example, in the case of your current account), or in the same way we are interested in legal commercial information so far. Please note that the information you may receive will be transferred across Europe, including Canada and the United States.

Collegamenti ad altri siti:

Our site may contain collections of others if it is not managed or controlled by us. Notare che siamo responsabili per la pratice sulla rvatezza di altri siti o di terzi. Invite you to pay attention in this case if it is on the site and you can read it on the website where you can receive personal information.

Security of information:

Protect the information provided by your server computer control, an ambient security protection of access, use or non-authorized disclosure. Adequate physical protection system, technology and reasonable protection to protect access, use, modification and non-authorized disclosure of personal information in our possession. However, there is no data transmission on the Internet or wireless network that is completely guaranteed to be safe.

Legal advice:

Divulgheremo informazioni raccolte, usate o ricevute se richiesto o consentito dalla legge, come per respettare ordini di tribunali o procedure legali simili, otre che nel caso in cui riteniamo in buona fede che la divulgazione sia necessaria para proteggere i nostri diritti, proteggere la Sua securezza o the security of others, investigate frode or respond to governmental wealth.

Contact information:

If you have any questions regarding individual or personal information, please send an email to